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Importance of Agile Methodology in Software Development



Software development processes like Agile methodology have proven themselves useful for software development companies. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve software quality frequently and provide the best solution to their clients. 

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses should be always prepared for the customers’ rapidly evolving needs. And without a proper strategy or framework, it is difficult for companies to keep up with customers’ demands. To maintain customer satisfaction and prevent losses, companies are investing heavily in agile. The benefits of scaling agile frameworks in software teams are required for staying competitive in the market.

What is Agile Methodology?

The meaning of agile in software development is the ability to respond to swift changes. As a popular choice among software developers, agile methodology processes assist in completing projects successfully and quickly. Methods like the waterfall model in the conventional software development process are time-consuming. 

The agile methodology is composed of a series of iterative and incremental methods of software development. Popular methodologies involve continuous planning, testing, integration, and fast feedback loops. Thereby, making it possible to deliver a working product for customers to work with. Moreover, the flexibility and adjustability make agile methodologies suitable for adapting to project needs.

Agile methodology is designed to prevent common development issues and focuses on making on-spot decisions. Thereby, increasing the efficiency of the software development team members. The lightweight framework helps the development team in handling complex technical landscapes while ensuring continuous delivery. Thus, reducing the overall risks involved in the development of software.

Types of Agile Methodology

There are several types of agile methodologies that follow the agile mindset. However, some of the most popular and mainstream methodologies are listed below. 

  • Scrum

One of the most popular out of the many types, Scrum is a lightweight framework of Agile Project Management. It is used for controlling iterative and incremental projects. 

The product owner is responsible for creating a list of product backlogs that contain bug fixes, features, etc. And with the help of the Scrum team working together, they aim to deliver a successful working system during each sprint. As each sprint ends, the product backlog is reset to select new deliverable functions for the next sprint.

Scrum is a simple yet highly effective method. Moreover,  it incorporates many of the overarching Agile practices. As a result, its popularity grew over time.  

  • Crystal

Out of all Crystal is the most lightweight and adaptable methodology. The Crystal methodology is based on the idea that every project has unique characteristics that require customization. Thus, this methodology is divided into various categories like Crystal Clear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Red, and more. The distinction of each category is based on the size/ number of team members.

Crystal methodology focuses on principles like interaction and communication of people working on Agile projects, community skills, teamwork, and talents. The main intention is to deliver the best software development process.


  • Dynamic systems development method (DSDM)

The Dynamic systems development method or DSDM provides a framework for building and maintaining systems. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach of DSDM makes it dynamic. 

It focuses on creating, planning, executing, managing, and scaling the software development procedure in a very short period. The main objective of this methodology is to deliver quality products on time while making new adjustments. 

DSDM is based on its eight principles which are:

  1. The top priority on quality
  2. Collaboration
  3. Continuous on-time rapid delivery
  4. Continuous and clear communication
  5. Demonstrated control
  6. Iterative and incremental development
  7. Reversible changes
  8. Focus on business need


  • Extreme Programming (XP)

The Extreme Programming methodology is a supportive and lightweight framework that ensures high-quality software and maximum productivity. This type of Agile methodology is generally used with Scrum and focuses on continuous delivery with speed. Extreme programming is responsible for improving continuous planning and testing, fast feedback loops, and enhanced customer involvement. 

The main objective of Extreme Programming is to improve the software quality and responsiveness while making adjustments to customer requirements. Since it is based on communication, feedback, simplicity, and courage. Customers collaborate with the development team to prioritize their user stories. 


  • Lean

This is another iterative method that makes use of a value stream mapping to ensure that customers are satisfied. Although it is flexible, it does have a few guidelines or principles like:

  1. Enhancing Knowledge
  2. Team Empowerment
  3. Faster Deliveries
  4. Removing unnecessary things
  5. Quality over anything
  6. Differing commitments
  7. Integrity development

This methodology aims to provide fast and efficient software development by maintaining proper feedback between customers and programmers. And to achieve this, teams are provided with clearance to make their own decisions. 

The lean methodology incorporates only those features which are truly valuable to the customers and eliminates other non-essential features. As a result, it saves up time and money and ensures every team member is productive.


  • Kanban

It is an agile method that manages product creation and prioritizes continuous delivery using its highly visual workflow management method. Kanban creates a stress-free environment in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). 

Kanban projects are supervised using a Kanban Board, which helps in depicting the software development process. As a result, it increases visibility for teams to track progress through every stage. 


  • Feature-driven development (FDD)

It is a perfect composition of software engineering practices such as code ownership, developing by feature, and domain object modeling. FDD is a lightweight, agile process that is iterative and accumulative. The major objective of FDD is to deliver an operational, stable, and fully functional product on time.

The 12 Principles of Agile Methodology

A couple of decades back in 2001 developers were looking for new ways of software development. The founders of Agile came up with a manifesto based on 12 principles which are:


  • Providing quick software releases through continuous delivery to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Software development teams must be capable of providing frequent software updates and releases.
  • Customer demands are a top priority even after the successful completion of tasks
  • Ensure a good customer-developer relationship.
  • Motivating individuals to get their job completed by providing proper environment and support.
  • Physical interaction and communication are the most efficient and effective means of communicating with and among development teams.
  • The ultimate goal is to create fully functional and operational software.
  • Maintain sustainable software development.
  • Providing high quality software increases agility.
  • Simplicity is essential in avoiding unnecessary work.
  • All needs are influenced by the management of the software development team. 
  • Monitoring the work efficiency of software development team members every day.

Reasons for using Agile Methodology

  • Keeps technical debt minimum

In the software development process, certain maintenance tasks are needed to keep the product functional. These tasks are generally referred to as technical debts. 

Traditional methods like the waterfall model keep on accumulating technical debt as the development teams progress with the workflow. 

On the other hand, agile software development aims to minimize technical debt. Maintenance works, features modifications, or bug fixes are added to product backlogs. These tasks are attended during sprint planning sessions that help teams fix the issues at hand while addressing the next.


  • Can adapt to change

Agile methodologies ensure that development teams can keep up with the customers’ changing demands. Moreover, teams are not just meant to adapt to changes, but to embrace them as well. 

Using time-boxed iterations, teams can save up huge bulk of time on lengthy changes, reviews, and approvals. Based on the priority, these agendas are added to the product backlog list which is allocated in the forthcoming sprint.


  • Agile for mobile application development

Traditional methods like the waterfall models lack certain levels of collaboration and involvement. Each phase of the waterfall method involves only those professionals who are capable of completing the tasks on time. 

However, in Agile, team members review, validate, and agree on specific user stories to be assigned for each sprint. Teams and product owners collaborate with each other to carry out tasks assigned to the sprint. As a result, teams working together ensures that the customer’s demands are met on time.


  • Ensure High-Quality Product

Traditional methodologies of software development are used to fill project phases with tons of features. As a result, developers were swamped with work with little to no time for testing mobile applications.

Whereas in Agile, rather than teams doing all the tasks at once, each sprint is devoted to performing selected features. Hence, developers get ample amount of time to produce quality products before the release. 


  • Testing and development of agile software reduce risk

Although teams plan the phases, in waterfall methodology product testing is generally conducted at the end of the process. As a result, it leaves teams uncertain about the product living up to the customer’s expectations.

Agile methodologies use constant feedback loops to get daily feedback about the product’s functioning and operations. Agile teams can quickly evaluate the progress of their product using sprints. Thereby, allowing them to make adjustments almost immediately if necessary. Moreover, sprints make sure that the teams produce value whenever a new release is released. 


  • Release dates are easily predictable

Due to time-boxed sprints, Agile iterations can deliver a working product at the end of each release. Therefore, it ensures products owners with on-time delivery of new features at the end of each sprint.

  • Customer satisfaction

In the Agile development process, products owners actively participate in the sprints. This active participation promotes a level of trust and satisfaction as they witness their needs being fulfilled. It also leaves them pleased with the team members as they are capable of delivering working products faster. 


  • Better Control

Teams working together with product owners can decide what goes into each sprint. As a result, this enables the whole team on the same track and makes sure everyone is aware of their deliveries. Hence, The build is less likely to include surprises or unplanned features.

Advantages of using Agile Software Development

While the traditional methods were falling behind in delivering products on time. The new software development method is agile in terms of product delivery and full of benefits compared to its ancestor. Some of these benefits are:

  1. Better planned structure leads to on-time delivery
  2. Proper utilization of resources and waste removal techniques
  3. Having better control over the whole development process
  4. Active participation of product owners with the development team 
  5. Clear visibility and transparency to track every progress
  6. Constant collection of frequent feedback to improve the product quality
  7. Allows teams to easily adapt to customer’s requirements or changes

In a nutshell

To conclude in a nutshell, the Agile methodology helps in planning and structuring the software development process. It is a collection of frameworks/methods with a combination of the best practices according to the Agile Manifesto. The process is responsible for creating a mindset and culture in finding solutions together.

Moreover, the popularity and efficiency of the agility movement had managed to spread across companies. Tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, are looking for fact scaling agile practices. As a result, most companies are embracing Agile Software Development as their preferred product development approach.

Benefits and Disadvantages of React and Angular

Pros of Angular

  • Easy to build a customized Document Model Object (DOM)
  • Creates strong template solutions with the support of Angular libraries.
  • Typescript prevents code errors and allows the practice of functional programming.
  • The dependency injection function saves a lot of time while building larger apps.
  • Provides pre-installed libraries


Cons of Angular

  • Difficult for developers to integrate the third party.
  • Difficult to learn for beginners.
  • Provides limited resources to routing.
  • The bi-directional data binding feature results in slower performance.

Pros of React

  • Re-usable codes offer simple debugging.
  • Component-based architecture can be imported easily.
  • React library support provides high and efficient performance 
  • Easy to learn 
  • Virtual DOM allows changing only specific parts instead of rewriting the whole page.
  • Componentization allows the creation of pure function by isolating state management from components
  • Massive support from React community 


Cons of React

  • Decentralized Document
  • Architecture keeps changing


Angular vs React: In a nutshell

React framework is suitable for teams that want to build an application that has a significantly less learning curve. Whereas for enterprise-grade applications, Angular is more appropriate due to its capability of handling large-scale web development. Overall, React is more popular among beginners since it is easy to learn and has wider community service. Although Angular appears intimidating at first, once mastered, it is a powerful framework that provides a comprehensive web development approach.


There is no one superior framework. Both these web technologies have unique features that are constantly updated to stay relevant in the web development game. At the end of the “Angular vs React” discussion, it all comes down to personal preference, skill set, and practical application.

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